Recalling a quote by Frederick Buechner, “the place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Through varying services to the church, seminary education, Clinical Pastoral Education, and an in depth discernment process, God has affirmed again and again that my deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger calls me to serve in parish ministry. God has consistently worked in and through me to empathize with, care for, speak truth in love to, and appreciate all children of God. God has provided me with gifts and talents that have shaped how I do ministry.
I am an ordained minister in the PC (USA) and a member of the Lehigh Presbytery where I serve on the Committee of Ministry leading the conflict sub committee.
I am currently serving as lead minister at East Stroudsburg Presbyterian Church. A wonderful congregation that seeks to be the voice and hands of God and the beacon on a hill for our community and the greater world.
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